Did You Know in Plymouth MA?

After any minor car accident in Plymouth MA, no matter how minor it seems, your body experiences a lot of stress. At first many people don’t feel any pain or common symptoms that accompany the accident, because a lot of injuries go hidden for weeks, months or even years. As a result, car crash survivors eventually start feeling enormous pain that doesn’t go away. Such symptoms include muscle stiffness, numbness, headaches, dizziness and overall body imbalance.
Unfortunately, by the time people realize something is wrong, it is too late to file a claim with the insurance company, as it deals with only the injuries sustained from the car accident, not pre-existing conditions. Therefore, many people experiencing chronic pain have to pay for the necessary treatment out of their own pocket.
My advice to you is to get professional evaluation from a doctor who is specifically trained in soft tissue injuries right after the accident happened. This way if something is wrong, you will be able to request your medical bills to be paid 100% by your insurance company. Don’t take car accidents lightly. Even if it was just a minor accident, get checked out immediately; even if you feel sore, no pain or suspicious symptoms, please, visit your chiropractor right away. There is nothing more important than your health and well-being.
Don’t Wait to Receive Care in Plymouth MA
Untreated car accident injuries can lead to the development of permanent scar tissue. Scar tissue will prevent common movements you doing in your normal life, and, unfortunately, there is not much anybody will be able to do to get you back to pre-crash condition.
Often car accident victims experience a number of health symptoms, such as muscle spasms and stiffness, fatigue, neck pain, frequent headaches, difficulty sleeping, back pain, tingling, numbness, difficulty concentrating and memorizing, irritability and even memory loss. This list is not full without mentioning common car crash conditions—arthritis, post-traumatic osteoarthritis and chronic muscle stiffness. These three health conditions cause your discs in your spine to change and degenerate, your muscles stiffen as an attempt to compensate and your movements to become improper and difficult. Many people report they can’t lead their normal life anymore and don’t feel like themselves.
Now ask yourself a question: is this what I really want? The answer here is obvious. This is why it is so important to get the timely diagnosis and proper treatment from a doctor who has undergone hours of specialized education and training. And I am talking about chiropractors.
Chiropractic Can Help
A family chiropractor is a healthcare professional who is trained to detect and treat neuromuscular disorders through the manual adjustments and spinal alignment. Chiropractic care is conservative care that doesn’t use conventional medicine approaches, such as surgeries, drug prescription, but rather uses inner resources of the human body to heal and fully recover.
Unlike most doctors, chiropractors are trained to detect hidden injuries, to assess musculoskeletal biomechanics using only natural methods and approaches. If you have been to a car accident, visit your chiropractor for immediate injury evaluation and proper treatment.
During your first visit your Plymouth MA chiropractic doctor will take an x-ray to find out if there has been any structural damage. If your condition is severe and requires conventional medicine intervention, he will make a referral to the doctor you need. If your condition can be improved through chiropractic care and alignment, your doctor will develop an individual treatment plan to make your body recover as quickly as possible.
Most chiropractic offices will help you deal with the insurance company by submitting the required medical reports and updating it about your progress.
Frequently Asked Questions
Should I visit an attorney before I visit my chiropractor?
No. Get checked with your doctor first. After the exam and first evaluation your chiropractor will provide you with the information you need in order to consider if you need an attorney. I usually help my patients by referring them to qualified and reputable attorneys who know how to put you in the best possible situation.
What if my car sustained only small damage?
Do I have to pay for chiropractic treatment out of my pocket?
What should I do if the insurance company wants me to get settled?
Do I need to visit a chiropractor, if I have already been to the hospital?
Is chiropractic care safe?
Does it hurt?
We’re spinal experts and can fully evaluate your condition after an accident. Call (508) 746-5899 our office today to schedule your appointment.
7:30am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
7:30am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
7:30am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
By Appointment
By Appointment
Koenig Family Chiropractic
85 Samoset St
Plymouth, MA 02360