Necessity of Chiropractic Care in Plymouth MA

Do you need to seek out chiropractic care following an automobile accident?
You may not feel anything right after the car accident, but as numerous studies show most people experience a wave of symptoms a few days later. So, my answer is a definite “yes”. It is important to visit your Plymouth MA chiropractor not only because of pain (it may go away with the help of medication), but because slight changes can wreak havoc on your spine, nerves can be bothered and your overall body balance disturbed.
First symptoms, including pain, are a good indicator that your soft tissue has been hurt. Sprain and strain injuries don’t sound too bad, but in fact they mean that various tissues in your body have been torn. A chiropractor can easily determine the severity of the tear and what can be done to minimize pain and speed up the recovery.
Conventional medicine implies only stabilizing the patient through medication intake and symptom elimination. But is it really what you need? Do you need pain and symptom camouflaging or full recovery?
Get Your Spine Back in Health in Plymouth MA
Don’t get me wrong, without chiropractic adjustments, your body will heal eventually, but you’ll develop permanent scar tissue. Scar tissue is more sensitive, and doesn’t have the full capacity of uninjured tissue and, unfortunately, is permanent. Once it has developed, it will be very hard or even impossible to get you back to the normal state. Receiving chiropractic care to your spine will put you in the best possible health position and prevent degeneration and arthritis while your injured tissue is healing. Remember, the sooner you get treatment, the higher your chances to live a pain-free life.
A lot of patients prefer going on the road of the least resistance and take a pill. Medication eliminates pain, but it doesn’t change the position of the spinal bones, it doesn’t correct the scar tissue and it doesn’t take care of the soft-tissue injuries and spinal imbalances.
Chiropractic care doesn’t end at the office entrance door. Your family chiropractor will evaluate your condition, work out a treatment plan and explain to you what can be done at home to help your body heal quicker. Sometimes little lifestyle changes, proper physical activity and balanced nutrition is enough to return to the pre-accident state.
And finally, every car accident and whiplash injury is different. It is vital to identify and treat the car accident injuries as soon as possible. Some car accidents can lead to disc bulges, herniation; involve back and neck and cause chronic pain later on.
Visit your local chiropractor after the car accident, because it can be a lifesaver.
7:30am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
7:30am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
7:30am - 11:00am
3:00pm - 6:00pm
By Appointment
By Appointment
Koenig Family Chiropractic
85 Samoset St
Plymouth, MA 02360